I'm like a kid on christmas eve when I talk about iPhones

I have a iPhone 3gs. I would really like to have a 4 or maybe a 4s. My boyfriend and everyone else is having one. The screen, the bright colors and the lovely camera. Or at least I NEED a iPad. Okey, I don't need one, but I would really lika to have one. I've never touched an iPad and that makes me sad. You are also allowed to give me a Mac. Maybe a 17". And you up there, a white iPhone 4s. Please.
vantul de forfecare este unul din cele mai periculoase fenomene meteo pentru aviatie .LA H.mare il mai fentezi,la aterizare te poate poate surprinde exact in timpul in care nu mai poti reactiona.CAUZELE aparitiei lui si modul de actiune asupra avioanelor nu le expun,sunt probleme strict profesionale.
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Coming from a religious background I am very sensitive of gatherings where the law