Att blogga har blivit tråkigt och därför jag jag lagt av. Nu är jag tillbaka här, för då behöver inte jag vara kreativ när det är som jobbigast. Här bara snor jag och inspirerar. Fancy. Mmh. Snart kör jag. ♥♥
When a text can make you smile forever

When you agree to something

I'm like a kid on christmas eve when I talk about iPhones

I have a iPhone 3gs. I would really like to have a 4 or maybe a 4s. My boyfriend and everyone else is having one. The screen, the bright colors and the lovely camera. Or at least I NEED a iPad. Okey, I don't need one, but I would really lika to have one. I've never touched an iPad and that makes me sad. You are also allowed to give me a Mac. Maybe a 17". And you up there, a white iPhone 4s. Please.
You might think that it's a wierd thing, but it's not.

This holiday I made a lot of... nothing. I've been chillin out with my boyfriend, went to a movie and just chilliiiin. And yes. I've played hairdresser. Haha. My boyfriend, me and his friend dressed our friends hair. You might know who it is if you take a look at the pictures. On the last picture it's my boyfriend to the right and the guy we were cutting to the left. How nice of us to cut him... Joke. Me? An hairdresser? No. But the haircut went really good after all. I think that he liked it too. Or I hope so at least.
Friends. You know those ones without benefits

This is my favorite tv-show of all time. I could look at this until... Ye, forever! And right now, when I'm at the gym. My computer is downloading season eight of friends. How nice of my computer?! See you after a few hours of hard working ass. I think I like you. ♥
This is pictures of me, the bloger here. The face behind the computer.

And that's the reason why. You're the only one in my mind.

i agree, music is a huge part of my life.

When you're happy about something, but you don't like to brag

The first photograph that I took with my Nikon D90. My grandfather bought that camera to me in february this year. I was so happy that I jumped up and down, up and down and so on. He's the best. And this phohograph, wow. I really loves it. Do you?
Kind of fun that you see my embarrassing position in the spoon. Did you think about it untill I said it?
If you think that I'm cute, you should take a look at this

My mom. A 37 year young, good looking, single mom. She's the power in my life. She have always been a single mom and I turned out just great! Give all of your mothers a big hug and tell them what they mean to you. Because they mean a lot, huh? Thought so.
Wake up in the morning feeling like a princess

My first day at school after the holiday. One part of me would like to have holiday for the rest of my life but the best part is telling me to go and se my friends. Tomorrow I have general science, english, psychology and history. Long day, followed by training. Hug.
Are you there? Please, give me some kind of sign

Hello you up there in heaven. I would like to become a rich bitch so I can buy all this kind of styles to my house. Or at least the house I'm about to buy when you make me, what I call, a rich bitch. Give me some kind of sign when you know what to do with me.
Sincerely, a dreamy teenager in Sweden.
The city I dream about every night and every day

You have to love me right now, because i love you the most